Friday, October 8, 2010

A hungry man.


Excuse me people.
Do you not understand it is a man's need to eat?
To swallow it whole?
Like a python devouring his food.

The barley girl made me ABC soup =) Proposing was a dashingly good idea!

NEVER EVER not scrape the bones. Best part!

I'm an alpha male! Buzz off my crumbs.~

There may be times where I, well, space out and well.. before I know it, the shared food became MY food.
I would love to apologize for the finished crackers, cookies, noodles, rice, and everything else.
Key word: WOULD

Peace out homies!

Fun Fact: If the world's about to end tomorrow, the ONE thing that I would do is - bang taxis and motorcyclists.

Oh and I my weight broke the chair.. *apologize the japanese way ~ bowing*


  1. HAHAHAHAH notice how he always has the exact same expression when he's eating? LOL

  2. Waddap G?

    I saw you snoopin around my joints the other day thru the nuffnang site, so I come to check YOU out. My, cool blog you got there, bro. Hei, do you really work for nuffnang? Can you do something about my earnings? I want to sell my old car and get a new one. Anyway, here's my comment for this entry:
